Sunday, July 25, 2010

Use Swept Away to improve PC’s performance

It is a very common practise among majority of the desktop users to keep 10-15 windows maximized at the same time. Which in turn increases load on the system resources. When a window is minimized it requires very less ram than what it requires in the maximized state. So it is better to minimize the windows which you are not going to use for some time. Doing this will help you improve your PC’s performance. But if you are too lazy to minimize all the windows you have opened then here is something what you can try.

Swept Away is a small freeware developed by Adam Pash. It is a simple program which keeps on monitoring your open windows. If an inactive window is been maximized for a particular time period then it will be automatically minimized. The maximum time allowed for maximized windows can be set by the user.

It also allows the user to exclude windows which will not be minimized even after the defined time period. To exclude processes right click on the taskbar icon and move your mouse cursor to “exclude”. A list containing all the open windows will be shown. Select the window you want to exclude from the list and done. Swept Away will never minimize the selected window.

Swept away is a freeware and will work on any Windows Operating system. This small app can be useful for computer junkies who always forget to minimize their open windows.Download this tiny app from the link below.

Download Swept Away (Freeware) (435 KB) (Direct)

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