Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TORCH Infections Cause Defects Fetus

TORCH infection is a disorder of pregnancy that can endanger the fetus. If these infections early in pregnancy, the risk of transmission from mother to fetus can be reduced so that defects can be prevented.
TORCH (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus / CMV, and herpes simplex) refers to the group of infections that can be passed from pregnant mothers to their babies. The infection is usually asymptomatic, the only way to find out is by testing blood serum.
Immunology expert Dr.Liliane Grangeot-Keros from Paris says, TORCH infection can cause miscarriages and 5-10 percent of congenital malformations in the fetus that include hearing loss, mental retardation and blindness.
"Most of the defects could be prevented by doing TORCH screening in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the result is negative, the mothers could be given education the importance of maintaining personal hygiene. But if it is positive, doctors can provide treatment to reduce the risk of transmission from mother to fetus," he said in educating the media event 'wary of TORCH in Pregnancy "in Jakarta (02/24/2011).
In Indonesia, than 54,000 pregnancies that infected 70 percent had antibodies to Toxoplasma. Meanwhile, 60 percent of women have antibodies against herpes simplex virus. Nevertheless, 50-85 percent of pregnant women infected with rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy the fetus at high risk for organ defects.
But according to dr.Yuditia Purwosunu Sp.OG (K), TORCH screening is not a recommendation for pregnant women.
"Statistics show that, of 10,000 pregnant women with positive skriningnya TORCH results, only 10 are also positive diagnostic results. Therefore, TORCH screening is disputed its accuracy," he said in the same occasion.
He added, prenatal screening is recommended only for those belonging to high risk groups, such as HIV-infected mothers. "To provide even the standard treatment is a positive diagnostic results," said a doctor from the division department fetomaternal Obgyn FKUI / RSCM Jakarta.
Diagnostic tests carried out by taking a bit of amniotic fluid for examination in the laboratory. The result is much more accurate than with the screening of blood sampling. "If the new positive screening results are advised to conduct diagnostic tests before treatment is given," he said.
Currently, the examination of TORCH is still relatively expensive for most people. However, according to Keros preventive action is far cheaper than curative.
"It may seem expensive testing costs, but costs must be incurred if the baby is suffering from disability is very expensive, not only from an economic standpoint but also psychologically," he said.

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