Saturday, February 19, 2011

Consuming too much salt would Adverse Health

Salt in cooking is a big role to create a sense of delicious and tasty, but high amounts of salt lead to several health problems, ranging from hypertension to renal failure.

Salt or salt in the sense of day-to-day is the kind of salt is composed of mineral elements sodium (Na) aka sodium and chloride (Cl), which combine into a molecule called sodium chloride (NaCl). Amount of sodium in the salt and the remaining approximately 40 percent of chloride ion.

Sodium or sodium the body needs for metabolism and keep the volume and blood pressure regulation, as well as muscle contraction and nerve cell transmission.

However, salt intake is recommended for each person no more than 6 grams (equivalent to 1 teaspoon) per day. Based on Balanced Nutrition Guidelines for the same amount of 6 grams with 2300 mg sodium. "The real health problem is sodium, not salt as a whole,"

High salt intake is closely related to the occurrence of high blood pressure. "Research shows an increase of 1 / 2 teaspoon of salt to raise the systolic and diastolic blood pressure 5 points 3 points. On the other hand reduce the salt to less than 1 teaspoon to reduce systolic and diastolic pressure of 7 points 4 points,"

Apart from hypertension triggered a high salt intake can also interfere with the kidneys work. Actually, the body has mechanisms to remove excess salt, but because of the high salt kidney diasup so difficult to remove. As a result the amount of sodium in the body very much. In fact, sodium binding properties of liquids.

"When a high amount of sodium in the body, then the amount of dilution also increased so that the blood volume increases and the pressure even greater. When combined with the consumption of excess fat that cause the blood vessels shrink, the result could be fatal because the blood vessels can rupture,

Some studies also show that high salt intake will accelerate deterioration of renal function especially in patients with kidney disease.

That's why we are advised to start keeping a distance with salt and eating more vegetables and fruit.

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